January 1, 2021
2020 was certainly one for the books wasn’t it? Over the last year, we have experienced unprecedented circumstances in our communities, states, our country, and around the world. The way we work, communicate with one another, go to the store, and even celebrate holidays changed in a matter of days, and we’re still adjusting to … Continued
July 18, 2020
With a recent heat wave hitting us here in Florida, staying cool is at the forefront of people’s minds. While social distancing measures and COVID worries continue to disrupt many traditional summer plans for folks in and around Polk County, a few things have stayed the same this summer, and those things are all related … Continued
May 5, 2020
As an “essential business” here in Polk County, Ridge Energy Savers has continued to serve clients throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, and we will continue to as Florida slowly reopens phase by phase. We’ve made a concentrated effort to hold our service and customer care to the same high standard you have come … Continued
September 25, 2019
Ah…spring. Skies are blue, weather is breezy, flowers are blooming, and….everything is covered in yellow, awful, pollen. Pollen is the arch-nemesis to allergy sufferers in Florida, and if you are one of them, you know all too well the weeks of sneezing, scratchy throat, itchy eyes, and stuffy head that come along with the season. … Continued
July 12, 2019
Summer in Florida is not for the faint of heart, and any of us who have lived here for a long time know that a good AC is the secret to making it through (relatively) unscathed. With temps that soar into the triple digits, and little to no breeze here in the central portion of … Continued
June 7, 2019
It’s no secret that summertime in Florida means temps soar and people stay inside soaking up their AC and waiting out the heat until winter finally comes. For kids though, summer means a break from school, and we all remember braving the heat just so we could soak up some of the fun things we … Continued
May 8, 2019
Air conditioning is an amenity important to pretty much everyone in the US during the summer months, but for those of us in Florida, AC is a vital part of life year-round. Our temps stay in the 80s range for almost all 12 months of the year, so if/when it goes out, it’s a huge … Continued
March 8, 2019
Spring has arrived in full bloom here in Florida, and while temps might have made us think summer is already on its way, we still have a few more rounds of mild weather before the dreaded heat and humidity kick in. Because the weather is still fluctuating between “winter” (mild temps) and the hotter climate … Continued
February 10, 2019
It’s a predicament you’ve likely been in at one time or another if you live in Florida: the AC goes out after hours or on a weekend, and you’re left trying to decide between paying after-hours fees for an emergency diagnostic visit or suffering without AC until regular business hours. We know this is frustrating, … Continued
January 3, 2019
2019 is here, and while it’s a fresh start for all of us, it’s especially “new” for those who have recently moved, or are preparing to move, into a new home. Moving can be stressful, but it’s also exciting. Perhaps you’re upgrading to allow for more space for a growing family, or maybe you’re downsizing … Continued
December 5, 2018
Christmas is meant to be a time for celebrating a season of love and peace, and enjoying time with your family and friends. It’s when we step back, take notice of the things around us we care about most, and appreciate having them in our lives. Unfortunately though, while this is what the season should … Continued
November 7, 2018
Taking care of your AC unit is always at the forefront of your mind during the summer months…and almost year-round here in Central Florida thanks to our continually mild (a.k.a. blazing hot) temperatures. However, when cold snaps do blow through, or when we get an extended period of cooler, wet weather during the Fall and … Continued
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